Women’s March DC/Alabama – #ThinkLoveFirst in Action

Hello Dear Ones.

I just found out about this or I would be on my way to D.C. The vision I have for my global mission is a human rights movement #ThinkLoveFirst. If you can join a group in your area, be a part of a movement of light and love for all.


I am planning to go to our march in Birmingham this Saturday January 21st. This is in line with my mission #ThinkLoveFirst. If anyone plans to be in Birmingham perhaps we can meet up.

I am not sure if I will be speaking or not at this event. I only learned about it today. We can heal when we lead with the Greatest Degree of Love for all and only then.



Weekly #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Facebook Live Messages with Rev. Dallas at 7:30 CST

Don’t forget: #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday with Rev. Dallas. We will have our first video of 2017. I will be praying about what God wants me to share this evening at 7:30 CST. Join us live- there could just a special message for you. Much love- Rev. Dallas

I began offering #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday messages in fall 2016.  I am committed to continue these weekly messages to encourage you and inspire you to renew, restore and reconnect with the Divine.

Join us live, send a prayer request and expect God to speak to you directly.

This is the year for everyday miracles.

Much love,

Rev. Dallas 



Weekly #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Messages Facebook Live Q & A with Rev. Dallas

 Dallas Shares Real Time Video Messages from the Holy Land


Ceasarea Phillippi

Mount of Beatitudes

Dead Sea Reflections

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